Canada Announces $8.2 Billion Funding Agreement with FNHA Click Here

Spring 2023 Regional Caucus

In March 2023 at Gathering Wisdom XII, Chiefs and leaders approved by a historic margin the FNHC's 10-Year Strategy on the Social Determinants of Health: A Framework for the Future. Here's the final strategy document.

Gathering Wisdom for a Shared Journey XII

Engagement HQ:

As BC First Nations Chiefs and Leaders, FNHC Engagement HQ is your online space to provide input on the engagement topics from the FNHC. Your participation helps shape the FNHC’s mandate and structure leading up to Gathering Wisdom XVIII in 2025.

FNHC Engagement HQ includes the engagement questions from Regional Caucus events and an archive of past Caucus materials.

We know there are many groups asking for your feedback. In the Resources section there is a short summary of various engagement processes underway beyond this FNHC Engagement HQ, including by the FNHA, BC and Canada.