Canada Announces $8.2 Billion Funding Agreement with FNHA Click Here

Fraser Salish

The Fraser Salish Region consists of 32 First Nations communities, in which each community elects their own First Nations Chief based on their own selection process.


In order to coordinate and oversee health developments in the region, Fraser Salish First Nations formed the Fraser Salish Regional Caucus. This Caucus creates a space for political and technical leads from the region’s First Nations to come together to collaborate and share information. The Fraser Salish Chiefs and leaders created the Caucus to mirror the main groups within the Fraser Salish: Stó:lō Nation, Stó:lō Tribal Chiefs Council, and Independents.


Every First Nation community has space in the caucus for a Chief, Council member or community health lead representative, making up a total of 32 Caucus participants. The leadership from the Region also have sub-regional caucuses to bring forward sub-regional issues and concerns, which are brought to the full Caucus. Three representatives are then appointed to the Health Council to represent the Fraser Salish Region. 


Andrew Victor
Stó:lo Tribal Council, Fraser Salish Region
Alisha Peters
(Chaquawet) Independents, Fraser Salish Region
Loren Muth
Stó:lō Nation, Fraser Salish Region

Regional Structure

The table acts as an Executive body to the Interior Region Caucus, carrying out directions in between Caucus sessions. The following provides a description on the Fraser Salish Region Governance structure today.

32 Communities
  • Tzeachten
  • Skowkale
  • Yakweakwioosse
  • Aitchelitz
  • Squiala
  • Skway
  • Matsqui
  • Sumas
  • Skwah
  • Sts’ailes
  • Peters
  • Leq’a:mel
  • Soowahlie
  • Kwaw-kwaw-a-pilt
  • Kwantlen
  • Scowlitz
  • Cheam
  • Union Bar
  • Yale
  • Spuzzum
  • Seabird Island
  • Shxw’ow’hamel
  • Chawathil
  • Tsawwassen
  • Qayqayt
  • Semiahmoo
  • Kwikwetlem
  • Katzie
  • Boston Bar
  • Boothroyd
  • Popkum
  • Skawahlook
Three Nation Territories
  • Stó:lō Nation
  • Stó:lō Tribal Council
  • Independents
Fraser Salish First Nations Health Caucus


Stó:lō Nation Chiefs Council

FNHC representative: Loren Muth

Stó:lō Tribal Council

FNHC representative: Andrew Victor


FNHC representative: Alisha Peters

Regional Priorities

Each region specifies its priorities aligned with the 7 Directives that guide the work of our Health Governance Structure.

  1. Health Governance

  2. Access to Quality Services

  3. Mental Health and Wellness

  4. Anti-Racism

  5. Health and Wellness Innovation

Regional Documents

Regional documents signify major strides on the path to First Nations reconciliation and self determination. Documents specific to the Fraser Salish Region are listed below.

Wellness Plan

Fraser Salish Regional Health and Wellness Plan (2020)

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The Regional Health and Wellness Plan outlines the Fraser Salish Region's strategic health priorities.

Partnership Accord

Fraser Salish Partnership Accord (2020)

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The Partnership Accord describes the relationship amongst the Fraser Salish Regional Health Caucus, Fraser Health Authority and First Nations Health Authority, and their shared commitment to improving health outcomes for Fraser Salish First Nations.